Mom’s Groups : Promoting Maternal Wellness
Out of a deep commitment to nourish and support mothers, Jaclyn Long began offering maternal wellness groups in 2011, weaving together:
- Mindfulness meditation
- Mindfulness-based yoga
- Creative arts
- Parent education
- Authentic sharing
- Community building
Jaclyn saw the need for maternal wellness groups in the community, where moms could gather together in support of maternal wellness and provide nourishing support to each other. She held a vision to bring these groups to all moms, regardless of socio-economic status. In 2014, Jaclyn became Founder & Director of Mind Body Moms, whose mission is to promote maternal health and wellness for the benefit of children, families and communities. She began to raise funds to bring these groups to low-income communities, and in 2016, she founded the non-profit project: the Maternal Wellness Project. In Jan 2020, Jaclyn handed the non-profit project over, and this project is now being offered under the direction of Andres Perez through Organizacion Edificando Vidas. Since 2011,
Jaclyn has supported hundreds of women on their journey of motherhood, and continues to offer Mindful Moms Groups on Thursdays, in partnership with the team at Mindful Child & Family Therapy:
- Mindful Moms Groups on Thursdays 9am-11:15am with Jaclyn Long (Full with waitlist – 16 people max)
In partnership with Mind Body Wellness Retreats, we also offer:
- Workshops in the SF Bay Area
- Corporate Workshops
- International Yoga & Mindfulness Retreats
To find out more about Mind Body Moms, Click Here.
PLEASE NOTE: All activities (including groups, workshops and retreats) offered by Mind Body Moms and Mind Body Wellness Retreats are wellness activities. They are not healthcare activities, and therefore no healthcare records will be generated.